Our Work Process

The first step of our coworking is a online meeting, where our clients tell about their problems and needs. From our side, we tell how we can help you.

what we do

Our Work Process

Here you can learn more about each service we provide, and select which one fits you. After you selected the service, feel free to contact us for further details.

Creating a working plan

After we came to some conclusions, we provide you with the plan, which we will follow in our work to resolve your issues.

Measuring results

After we have completed our goals, we provide you with the results we have achieved and what we have done for you.

record label services, service record label

our services

Look Our Best Services

Here you can learn more about each service we provide, and select which one fits you. After you selected the service, feel free to contact us for further details.


We will do a analyse of you as an artist and competitors in the range of where you would like to be in the future.


We will provide a checklist of things need to be done to achieve your goal.


We provide startuppers with all needed assistance how to start in the music industry. From setting up a presskit, website, release schedule to social media.

Marketing plan

This service includes marketing research, creating marketing plan where you will see all the directions where to lead your music business.

Creative plan

Our experts will check all the problems your music faced, find new directions, new input and workflow improvement so you can produce to overcome your unfinished ideas and music projects.


With this service you will get professional help and guidance how to get signed with a famous recordlabel.

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